Godzilla’s back, and that’s all you’ll see of him for an unforgivably huge portion of this film...
Gojira is sixty years old, the product of a
still-numbed nations attempt to come to terms with the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
combined with that same country’s love of Dragons. He lives in mainstream consciousness through
expressions like ‘Bridezilla’ and most are aware of him. Of these, a subsection
know that he’s the ‘King of monsters’, and love the idea of a primordial
behemoth protecting us from alien attack and less benign colossal beasts, (or
Kaiju as the Japanese call them). And finally,
there’s the tiny sliver of the population who’ve actually sat through a
Godzilla film (and I don’t mean the unlamented Roland Emmerich effort from the
late nineties) and perhaps even enjoyed the experience.
Personally, I’ve seen a handful of the original
Japanese studio Toho productions – and while I appreciate that they are an
acquired taste, I generally enjoy the man-in-suit hokum, and the mind-bendingly
complex continuity behind this endless cycle of films and it’s many
off-shoots. Godzilla himself has different
self-contradictory origins and timelines.
When I first heard about the King of Monsters,
however, I hated him with a passion. And
that was because the pull-out ‘album’
free with Monster Fun comic back in 1975, which provided cut-out and paste-in
pictures every week, told me that my all-time favourite: King Kong had fought
something called Godzilla and that the outcome was unknown. “No-one knows because the referee hasn’t been
seen since!” chortled the caption under the still-empty space where this
mysterious interloper was eventually going to be pasted.
Not only this Godzilla person dared to accost
my beloved Kong, and not only did I still not know what he even looked like –
but there was no confirmation that Kong had kicked his brobdinagian backside. Maybe he hadn’t…
When the picture arrived, admittedly rather
poorly drawn, I assumed it was a just another dinosaur until I looked more
closely. THIS was Godzilla – a cross between the T-Rex Kong had already
vanquished and a stegosaurus?
It was many, many years before I finally saw
the film in question: King Kong vs.
Godzilla, and am happy to accept the theory that the Toho Kong is a
different creature altogether. Looking
like a sixty-foot man in a baggy ape suit with a strange papier mache mask, this
creature sports the unlikely ability to store electricity from lightning in his
simian fingers. On the other hand, after
spending most of the film as the ‘under-ape’, this battered and beleaguered
avatar of Kong does indeed rally at the end and appear to win, so that’s OK too.
![]() |
A rare instance of 'Kong’ gaining the upper hand, and showing how a Kaiju battle should be done. |
Despite all this, I found I had room in my
heart for Godzilla too, which made my disappointment with the aforementioned
1998 Hollywood effort all the more sharp. It was spectacular, but Godzilla had somehow
become an egg-laying, mutated iguana*, with the incredible ability to swim across
the Pacific and come ashore in New
York. He/she was also clearly the villain, and met an
ignoble end at the hands of a cut-rate, bland American cast and a confused
looking Jean Reno.
The Japanese displayed their disdain for this version
of their biggest movie icon by renaming him ‘Zilla’ (taking the ‘god’ out of
his name) and pitching this leggy US interloper against the real
thing in Godzilla’s shortest fight ever.
Oh dear.
After the first hour in I was already silently
forgiving Roland Emmerich – at least he gave us a film with something
purporting to be Godzilla actually in it.
Generally I enjoy the gradual build up to a big
reveal, but there has to be a pay off-to reward our suspense and patience. Most
of this film involves Godzilla’s leisurely paddle across the Pacific Ocean to San Francisco. Admittedly, the sight of his spinal plates
towering out of the ocean like a charging volcanic reef is an arresting one,
but pales as it becomes clear that this is all we’re going to get for a long
time. The outcome of Godzilla’s mid-point
night emergence in Honolulu is glimpsed on a muted TV screen which no-one is
even bothering to watch, and no wonder, his ‘seeing off’ the male Muto (Massive
Underground Terrestrial Organsim, one of the villains of the film) looks to
have all the energy of a slow motion glove puppet scuffle. And then the King of Monsters wades back to
resume his dip and we are forced to spend yet more time with a very un-engaging
human cast. A major disappointment was Cranston unexpectedly
fulfilling the old mentor role and exiting early to leave us in the bland hands
of his son. The vast majority of this
film expects us to care about his family the witless military grunts we have no
choice but to keep company with. Even
Ken Watanabe gives a very one note performance, uttering the occasional
portent-laden pearls of wisdom, but mostly just looking bilious while Sally
Hawkins is another wasted opportunity as an equally worried-looking she-nerd.
In Monsters
the human cast were edgy and interesting, but here they are saccharine, two-dimensional
ciphers, who could be accused of holding up the action, if only there was some…
Futilely, I was still holding out for the big
showdown at the end, where Godzilla finally completes his customs and passport documentation
at the San Francisco
Port before getting on
with stopping the Muto threat, as only he can.
If the film delivered in its climax, then even now all else could be
Oh dear, again.
It starts well, but then what we do glimpse
through the ever present smoke and asbestos dust just appears to be more of the
ponderous ineffectual flailing which we glimpsed in Hawaii, all those hours ago. Maybe we really do need athletic Japanese
Gentlemen in enormous rubber suits to make this kind of thing work properly.
Because, to be honest, Colin Firth and Hugh
Grant brought a more titanic struggle to the screen in Bridget Jones diary, and without offending us by constantly
cutting to other actors mid-tussle, whom we long gave up caring about, if we
ever did in the first place.
Perhaps this is all the final part of some kind
of American revenge plot against Toho studios for what they did to Americas’
favourite giant monster back in the 1960s with their two Kong films. If this is the case, then let’s please call
it quits because now it’s even: they dissed Kong twice and Hollywood has now roundly done the same to Godzilla.
Looking at the box office returns and many
reviews I might be alone in my issues with this film. The two worthy gentlemen
I saw it with are no strangers to this genre and enjoyed it very much. Admittedly there is the occasional memorable
scene, my favourite being the sudden panicked inland exodus of terrified seabirds
as Godzilla approaches the coast. And
the Kaiju do at least look amazing, Godzilla in particular. But it isn’t nearly
A reviewer on the Rotten Tomatoes site (which I
turned to for reassurance that I wasn’t the only person feeling this way) sums
it up best:
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